​The crafting of "Spatial Experiences" is a key
design consideration for architects in
their architectural design. The study and exploration of different spatial qualities are
important in design because it informs human occupation, behavior , and experience
within architectural spaces. A strong spatial design can touch its users on a deeper
emotional or spiritual level.
Society, culture, history, memory and the landscape of a particular place echoes the meaning of that ‘place’, or its ‘genius loci’. These qualities will inform the architectural concept and generators for Project 2 as the aim of the project is to design a Discovery Center (aka visitor center) for Kampung Janda Baik, Janda Baik, Pahang. The project design brief calls for an architectural response toward the sense of place with a strong engagement and relationship to the site and programmatic requirements. Project 2a requires an analysis of the site context as a starting point. It is a fundamental need for any design project as it will suggest a series of parameters to suggest architectural solution, one that will be appropriate to the place and its meaning, and contributes to its context. The site needs to be understood, in both intuitive and personal ways, as well as quantitative and measured means. Techniques to record and understand the site are varied, from physical surveys to qualitative aspects of experience and personal interpretation of the place. Lectures 08 and 09 will guide students through the whole process.
In this final project, students are required to design a structure that will allow user to “DISCOVER” about the people, place, activities, culture, history etc. associated to Kampung Janda Baik. It will function as a visitor center that could display interpretive exhibits, include a walk-through historical or cultural journey museum-like exhibition, as well as an interactive and engaging “edutainment” program and areas or spaces to connect with the local people and the natural environments of the place. It could be a center to learn about the locals and early settlers that called the location as home or to reveal the significance of the rainforest, rivers, mountains and even the “kampung” activities. All these information shall be transformed into spaces that requires a poetic touch architecturally.