Construction Detailing of Building Elements
This assignmentis designed to allow the students to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding on building construction through drawings. It will emphasis more on detailing on building elements. One of the aims of this assignment is to develop an awareness and understanding of the strong inter-relationship between design and technical knowledge. A success of any design project relies on a designer’s ability to address issues of appropriate methods of construction, integration of structure and the selection of materials whilst addressing the many other complex issues that are part of the design process. Hence, this assignment should be able to give the students on the importance of understanding the construction technical details and building design.
In this group assignment, I was grouped with Gabriel, Esma, Lee Huan and Kang Zheng. As a group we all work fine together and every discussion were all good even though there are someone who seldom join our conversation. However everything turns out to be still ok and I hope that in the future I was able to work better and also be able to work more better with the other teammates and do better in the future.