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Movie Poster


  1. Sketch TWO (2) initial ideas and compositions of the movie poster on an A4 drawing paper (A5-size each). The movie poster should consists of the following elements:

  • Figure drawing(s) such as portrait, full-body drawing, body part(s), etc.

  • Natural element(s) such as trees, animals, water, etc.

  • Man-made object(s) such as a house, building parts, etc.

  • Lettering in various sizes to follow the typical format of a movie poster (including the movie title, the names of the director, actors, producer, etc.)

The references for all the images can be obtained through books, own photos, online, etc.

  1. Compose the final movie poster drawing on an A3-size watercolour paper or drawing paper.

  2. Colour the drawing with any colouring medium (water colour, pencil colour, markers, etc) using the appropriate colour palette to capture the essence and express the genre of the film.

  3. The movie posters shown in page 1 are good examples of the expectation of this project.


By Pang Qi Yuan Ernest

Objectives of Project

  • To develop freehand drawing skills through combination of self-expression, natural and man-made object drawing, architectural lettering, tonal values and rendering.

  • To develop skills in colouring using watercolour or any colouring medium and choosing the right colour palette to capture the essence and express the genre of the film.



I struggler a lot at first because I am not a person who draw therefore through this assignment I have to learn to draw in a short time. Thankfully I was able to finish my assignment successfully and I hope that I could do better in the future assignments

Man Holding Camera
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